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No.8_Why did DOWITH focus on Wellness

DOWITH was fascinated by wellness lifestyle as it enables people to live healthy life.  Wellness is a lifestyle that helps people to pursue a healthy life by balancing body and mind ideally, which means happiness comes from a healthy status of mind and body. Among various wellness lifestyles, exercise is...

No.7_What is the ideal type of healthy skin that DOWITH pursues?

DOWITH's Healthy Skin ‘What is healthy skin?’ The most common answer to this question is ‘clean, clear and soft skin.’ The answer for this question isn’t wrong, but the definition of ‘healthy skin’ that DOWITH defines is quite different. DOWITH considered environments for people who pursue wellness lifestyles through daily...

No.6_DOWITH’s scent story

Natural fragrances, synthetic fragrances, combination fragrances... From fragrances that can be safely used for even sensitive skin to low-quality fragrances made by separating/refining petroleum. Did you know that there are many different types of fragrances? Nonetheless of the variety, cosmetics labels do not specify the types of fragrances. This is...

No.5_The reason Farmskin launched DOWITH

Farmskin has been trying to convey the potential of natural raw materials to customers starting with Probiotic Milk Drops and to increase awareness of wellness lifestyles to all over the world.  In particular, Farmskin received raw ingredients that are selected under strict standards of an ethical farm. Moreover, utilizing Farmskin’s...


Why is DOWITH SKIN GEAR, not SKIN CARE? The word care means ‘provision, protection,’ and the gear means 'an equipment for a particular activity'. DOWITH went beyond skin care that simply improves skin condition. DOWITH developed skin gear that is suitable for specific activities by focusing on features needed for...

No.3_ DOWITH, Special Supplement

DOWITH considered exercise energy booster ‘Supplement’ so that you can have more enjoyable healing time while practicing wellness life and keeping your own skin care and exercise routine. One of the positive effects of exercise that you might not have known is that it increases blood flow and opens your...

No.2_ Consumption values for DOWITH’s customers

Have you ever heard about value consumption? Value consumption refers to the tendency to boldly spend money in areas where consumers find values and satisfaction. In other words, it can be described as consumption for maintaining individual beliefs and values.   According to Olive Young's survey of 2,000 women, 93.4%...

No.1_ ‘Clean Beauty & Sustainable Beauty’ by DOWITH

On the media, we can easily find numerous criteria of ‘clean and sustainable beauty.’ Among various criteria, DOWITH carefully contemplated which criterion to follow. After deep consideration, DOWITH realized that none of the criteria can perfectly contain our beauty philosophy. That is why we decided to create our very own...